"Ah, summer- what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
-Russell Baker

05 August 2008

August 2008 Update

Dear Family and Friends,

I first visited St. Louis in the fall of 2003. I was hoping to discover a love for this city in anticipation of an internship with World Impact the following summer. As I drove the single mile from the interstate to our ministry center, I felt very uneasy. My first instinct was to double-check my door locks and my directions to avoid getting lost in what seemed to be a very rough part of town.

Nearly five years later, driving that same mile brings completely different feelings. I realize the risks are no less nor greater now than they were then but, somehow, I have come to feel at home here.

The Lord worked in my heart that summer in 2004 to give me a great concern for North St. Louis. I did not know then that I would return 18 months later for a full-time position with World Impact. But as I made it my goal to seek God’s Will and go wherever He called me, I saw the path clearly led straight back here.

I could fill a novel with stories and still have more to tell from my experiences in the city. I have seen more than enough brokenness, poverty, abuse, hopelessness, and neglect to last me a lifetime. Thankfully I have also seen triumph, generosity, rehabilitation, strength, and great love. I would have to write a second novel to share all of the lessons I’ve learned. One that stands out above the rest is this: God is faithful!

Your partnership attests to His faithfulness. I could never have made this journey without you. There are no words to express adequately how grateful I am to God for each of you. Ministry in the city can be very difficult. Without your support, encouragement, and prayers I would never have lasted more than a few weeks. Ministry in the city can also be highly rewarding. My time here has been precious and has deeply impacted who I am, how I view the world, and my relationship with God.

As you read this letter I have already moved to Dallas. I will start classes at Dallas Theological Seminary later in the month. I have found a roommate, an apartment, and a new church home. I am excited to have a fresh start in a new city but it has been bitter-sweet to bid farewell to the place I’ve made my home for the past few years. I hope to keep in touch with each of you in the years ahead. Please check in often for the full report on my life as a Texan.

It has truly been a blessing and an honor to serve God in the inner city of St. Louis with World Impact. Thank you for your commitment to me and this ministry. I encourage you to continue praying for and supporting what God is doing in St. Louis. For though I know my time there is over, much work remains.

With a grateful heart,


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