"Ah, summer- what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
-Russell Baker

21 June 2008

Summer Program '08

Each week we will take kids from a different Back Yard club on a swim field trip to a local state park with a great pool for an afternoon of fun in the sun.

Our first trip was supposed to be last Friday, but it got rained out. Instead we took the kids who earned that trip to a movie and out for ice cream.

Yesterday we enjoyed sunny skies most of the afternoon and the kids loved being in the water and sliding down the slide over and over and over again.

At one point there was thunder in the distance so we had to evacuate the waters for 30 minutes. As we waited for the lifeguards to clear us for re-entry the kids worked on their tans and played on the playground. But they were restless until they could jump back in that clear blue water!

The way our trips are funded is through supporters who send donations for summer activities. When I told the kids we had friends sending money so they could go swimming their eyes lit up. "What should we do in response?" I asked. Venetra replied quickly: "We should call them and say thank you!!!" Well instead of calling we opted for writing thank-you cards in the van on the ride to the pool.

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